
We are proud members of the:
Midwest Swing Fereration Member Clubs:
Jefferson County Swing Dance Club

President: Julia Pointer
Hotline: 314-984-9982

Dances 2nd & 4th Tuesdays :
Arnold VFW Hall
2301 Church Rd.
Arnold, MO

Jefferson City Swing Dance Club

President: Charles Stone
P.O. Box 6712
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Dances weekly on Fridays at
1212 E. High St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Lake Ozark Swing Dance Club

President: Larry Laminger
Hotline: 636 296-9735

Dances monthly at:
The Country Club Hotel & Spa

Midwestern United States Imperial Club

President: Christine Marah
Hotline: 618 531-2086

Dances 2nd & 4th Sundays at:
VFW Post 5691
1234 Vandalia St.
Collinsville, IL

South Side Imperial Swing

President: Rich Faeger
Hotline: 314 991-6199

Dances1st & 3rd Sundays at:
Kirkwood Highlands Restuarant & Brewery
Kirkwood, MO

St. Charles Imperial Swing Dance Club


Lessons weekly on Thursdays &
Dances monthly at:

St. Louis Imperial Swing Dance Club

President: Judy Ciaramitaro
Phone: 314-332-1288

Dances Weekly on Wednesdays at Sports
Cafe & Dances 3rd Saturday monthly at:
U Can Dance Studio
3570 Adie Rd
St. Ann, MO

West County Swing Dance Club

President: Sharon Sandvoss

Dances monthly at:
Kirkwood Community Center
111 S. Geyer Rd.
Kirkwood, MO

Dances weekly on Tuesdays at:
Moolah Shrine Center
12545 Fee Fee Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63146

Moolah Shrine Swing Dance Club

President: Dennis Martin

[email protected]
12545 Fee Fee Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63146

Dances most Fridays at
Moolah Shrine Center, Oasis Room
12545 Fee Fee Rd

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